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Orion Group website homepage by Access Volcanic
  • Our previous website was outdated and unable to cope with our diversification plans. Volcanic offered a trustworthy solution.

    ​It was really time for us to move on to a platform that was better suited to our business. We were looking for something that was easy for us to use and maintain while also adapting to the needs of our business as we grow and diversify. We'd heard good things about Volcanic a knew it was well-regarded in the industry as a solid product which ticked all our boxes. It was very clear that the team knew what they were doing when it came to recruitment websites and so we had great faith in switching our platform over.

    Marketing and Communications Manager, Orion Group

  • We're ranking well for more relevant search terms. Our website is our main candidate attraction resource.

    Our previous site was driving a lot irrelevant traffic and we were ranking for search terms that were too broad, since switching to Volcanic and utilising the SEO tools, we've seen improvements in our rankings for relevant search terms. I've seen first-hand that that the more jobs we place onto the website in a certain location and if we leave them for a couple of weeks Google picks them up and they get ranked pretty well, so we've made sure to incorporate this into our strategy and are using the website as our main candidate attraction resource.

    Marketing and Communications Manager, Orion Group

The brief:

Orion's previous website wasn't able to keep up with the scale of their business and their ambitious diversification plans. It was time to move to a new platform which could offer:

  • Ease of use for website management

  • A clear user journey for their visitors

  • A modern platform that could scale and adapt as their business continues to grow

  • Expertise in recruitment marketing to align with their plans for continuous improvement in digital performance

Orion Group sectors and jobs on homeage of website by Access Volcanic
  • The support and customer success from Volcanic is fast and proactive, aligning well with our improvement plans.

    ​I enjoy the conversations with my CSM and see great value in the calls that we have on a weekly basis. It's great to hear about what's working well for other clients, and to benefit from the knowledge of the CSM team. No website stands still and we're keen to adapt to changes as and when they come, so this level of support really aligns with our improvement plans. Whenever I raise a support case it's very quickly dealt with which is great. ​​

    Marketing and Communications Manager, Orion Group

  • Working with a supplier that is dedicated to improving their product offering.

    ​I genuinely think that both Volcanic and The Access Group are trying really hard to improve their offering in line with the changing demands of the industry and we really appreciate the exciting roadmap ahead. We look forward to continuing our journey together.

    Marketing and Communications Manager, Orion Group

Orion Group testimonials on homepage of website by Access Volcanic

The results:

Since going live with their website by Volcanic, Orion have benefitted from:

  • Improvement in search rankings leading to more relevant candidate traffic

  • Quality proactive support through their Premier Customer Success plan which always keeps them on top of industry changes

  • An impressive roadmap of improvements to the product that will future-proof their candidate attraction strategy

We'd love to power your digital journey!

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