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​Let’s look at some DE&I facts in recruitment*:

76% of recruitment agencies are facing D&I demands from their clients.

40% of those demands are specifically around a lack of diversity data.

Yet over two thirds of recruiters could not provide a solution for these demands.

*According to our recent snapshot survey of UK recruitment leaders

Our recent research has shown that these lack of insights are resulting
in a loss of fees and business, with up to 80% of RFPs consisting of DE&I related questions,
and an inability to constructively engage with clients on the topic of DE&I by recruitment agencies.

Which is why we've created this score and report! No data or numbers required,
the survey takes just 6 minutes for your client to complete.
Or take it for your own agency to discover your DE&I gaps!

Generate a diversity score and report for your business or your client

Follow the three simple steps below to get started:

Image of DE&I survey by Diversely

Step 1: Share the survey

Our qualitative-based questions are simple for any employee to answer in just under 7 minutes.

You can:

  • take this survey for your own agency

  • take a client through it on a call to understand their position

  • or share the link with them to do it in their own time.

This will help them to clarify any opportunities in their current D&I strategy, approach and structure to help measure and improve diversity.

Simple! Scan the QR code or click the link below to get started.

Share the survey now

Step 2: Receive the DE&I score and report

The report gives a % score on how a business is faring in various areas of DE&I - from gender inclusivity to internal approaches - and is benchmarked to understand where improvements could be made.

It is delivered directly to a respondent’s email inbox with detail and action points around:

  • Current workforce diversity

  • Inclusion level of strategies and policies

  • DE&I tools, measures and approaches.

  • As well as further support and resources to explore!

If you’re sharing with a client via the link, the next step is to check in with them on their results!

Woman checking the results of her DE&I score and report by Diversely
Screenshot of DE&I report by Diversely
Recruiter speaking with client over Zoom

Step 3: Start the conversation!

Whether you’re generating a score and report for your own agency or helping a client understand their DE&I position, having the data at your fingertips facilitates and encourages conversations.

If you don’t have access to their results, it’s important to reach out to your client to understand and discuss their position, here’s an example we’ve seen work well:

“Hello there! If you’ve spotted some ways to improve your diversity and inclusion via the survey we shared, we’d love to offer a free consultation to discuss ways in which we can work with you to help. How about a call next week?”

Want to start a D&I conversation with your clients?

Share the survey now - it’s free and takes seven minutes to complete!

Get started now

Learning Tip: Diversity and Inclusion goals and objectives are best set and achieved when they are communicated and aligned with your clients. Use your DE&I report to start the conversation!

To learn more about how Volcanic can support you in winning new client business and strengthen client relationships, click the link below.

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